There is a constant struggle for independence brewing in our daughter which conflicts with our need to keep her forever young. The child you've reared and influenced suddenly appears before you in unfamiliar clothes listening to headache pounding music and fiercely ready to live in the scary world you tried to protect her from. It appears that everything you fought for and against stands before you in full contradiction making a mockery of the years it took to create a seemingly perfect child. You've done everything right, and remained true to your traditions and ideology. You incidentally taught her lesson on how to share, which for an only child seemed like a contradiction of sorts, taught her to pray, be kind to others, to be punctual, love music, sports and to freely move in the direction the universe instructs. You have carefully guided her steps providing sage advice along the way. Gone are the days when no matter what you suggested their response was always a resounding yes. Waffles for dinner– extra syrup please!